Positive Reflection

Muhammad Saad Najib
2 min readFeb 14, 2021


My Amal journey is one of the most unique and wonderful experiences in my life. I have met a lot of nice people made friends, brainstormed ideas, shared thoughts, helped each other and had a lot of fun together.
People here at Amal are not only understanding but also help each other at every step and guide fellows in need, It felt like we are not just class fellows but a family where everyone got each other’s back.

One thing that really built up my confidence was feedback that I got from my fellows, many fellows gave me really good feedback on my english speaking accent, these encouragement helped me build up confidence in speaking english in public. I am really grateful to Amal for teaching us the value of teamwork, this team work skills has made me think from a new perspective about things.

Now Looking back on my decision of joining the Amal I think if i had not applied for Amal I would not had learned soft skill, confidence and most of all i would not be able to find this amazing Amal family and this huge Amal network.

